Exploring the Past at Fishbourne Palace

On Wednesday 8 November, Year 4 braved the wind and rain and were transported back in time, over two-thousand years, to the Roman Palace of Tiberius Claudius Cogidubnus.  

In a fantastic, immersive workshop, they explored a wide variety of Roman activities. Some of our pupils made very good kitchen slaves, sweeping the floors and preparing the feast, whilst others enjoyed playing Roman games, writing on wax tablets and even building a reconstruction of a Roman bridge! 

Later in the day, pupils explored the beautifully preserved mosaics and looked at the remains of the fascinating Roman underfloor heating systems. They donned hard hats to get into role as archaeologists and some beautiful, original mosaics were created.  

‘The mosaics were FANTASTIC!’ Elliot remarked, with Avyu adding, ‘The dolphin one was my favourite!’ When dressing up as Roman royalty, some of the children found the role came quite naturally to them with David exclaiming in his best regal voice, ‘Silence slaves!!!’  

It really was a fantastic day! All the staff were impressed by the knowledge and interest all of Year 4 demonstrated and they were very proud of how well they represented Banstead Prep school. Well done team Year 4! 

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Visit us on a normal working day, tour the school and hear from Headteacher Jon Chesworth on our vision for Banstead Prep. Click the button to book for the next event on Thursday 26 September or to see alternative dates.

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