Leaders Everywhere – Message from the Headteacher 13.9.24

Last weekend saw the closing ceremony of the 2024 Summer Paralympic Games in Paris, and brought to an end two weeks of utterly compelling and truly inspiring sporting endeavor. These remarkable athletes would have been incredibly encouraged to learn that as many of our children watched these events as they did those of the Olympic games earlier in the summer. This is something I believe would have been unimaginable perhaps prior to the London games of 2012 and goes to show how highly valued and recognised this event is in the global sporting calendar.

I shared two examples which I found particularly phenomenal – Lukasz Mamczarz, Polish High Jumper and Sheetal Devi, Indian Archer. I am sure you have seen the videos of their performances and, like us all, were impressed and inspired by what they achieved. The children shared their impressions and once again proved what empathetic, wise and kind young humans they are… our future is in good hands!

We talked about what it is to inspire and reminded ourselves that every single one of us can do this in countless ways every day. We don’t have to be competing in the Olympics, scaling mountains or standing in front of a crowd. We can lift and inspire those around us in the smallest of ways that can make the biggest difference.  Some of the things we agreed we could all do include leading by example and being a role model. Encouraging and supporting each other, demonstrating passion and enthusiasm, and of course, through kindness.

One group that will inspire us this year are the Year 6 leaders who were presented with their roles and leadership badges during assembly. These are all equally important roles, and we encouraged every single one of them to give their best and inspire through example. Our school community is wonderfully close and watching the younger children look up to and admire our older children and the care and kindness they all show is one of the most inspiring parts of being at BPS.  I reminded them that the badge or role is not what will define them, it will be their actions that show the strength and depth of their character.

Well done everyone on settling back into school life so well, have a lovely weekend.

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